

Giorgashvili, T. (2024, Mai) Closing the Feedback Loop with Learning Analytics: Personalized, Reflective and Data-Driven Learning. Summer School on Technology-Enhanced Learning (JTELSS), Gabicce Mare, Pesaro, Italy | 11-19 May, 2024

Giorgashvili, T., Gattinger, T. (2024, Mai) Using Mind Maps in Moodle to unleash the power of learning analytics and personalised feedback. Summer School on Technology-Enhanced Learning (JTELSS), Gabicce Mare, Pesaro, Italy | 11-19 May, 2024

Fink, A., Gombert, S., Liu, T., & Frey, A., (2024, April). The integration of automated essay scoring models using hierarchical rater models. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME), Philadelphia, USA.

Frey, A., Liu, T., Fink, A., & König, C. (2024, März). Metaanalyse zu den Effekten computerisierten adaptiven Testens auf Motivation und Emotion von Testpersonen [Meta-analysis of the effects of computerized adaptive testing on motivation and emotion of test takers]. Paper presented at the 11th Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Potsdam, Germany.

Fink, A. (2024, März). Multidimensional Bayesianisches adaptives Testen_ [Multidimensional Bayesian adaptive testing]. Paper presented at the Colloquium Educational Research Methods, Hirschegg, Austria.


Yau, J. (2023, March) HIKOF Project. Technology-Based Assessment seminar at DIPF, Frankfurt Am Main.

Yau, J. (2023, April) HIKOF Project. University Future Festival. Berlin, Bochum, Heilbronn & Online.
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vTlX5P2fPo

Jivet, I (2023, May) Towards Highly Informative Learning Analytics. Keynote at the inaugural event of Prof. Hendrik Drachsler as Professor of Learning Analytics, Open University, Netherlands.

Drachsler, H. (2023, May) Highly-Informative Learning Analytics Programme combining psychometrics, learning design and learning analytics to provide students with highly-informative feedback. Inaugural speech as Professor of Learning Analytics. Open University, Netherlands.

Schenk, C., Frey, A., Fink, A., & Weiß, L. (2023, April). Digitales Prüfen mit psychometrisch fundierten E-Klausuren [Digital testing with psychometrically based e-exams]. Paper presented at the University:Future Festival, Online.

Fink, A. (2023, März). Der Einsatz von Natural Language Processing zur automatisierten Kodierung von Essays in digital gestützter Hochschullehre [The use of natural language processing for automated essay coding in digitally supported higher education]. Colloquium Educational Research Methods, Hirschegg, Austria.

Fink, A., Gombert, S., & Frey, A. (2023, September). Automatisierte Inhaltsanalyse von Essays mittels Transformern [Automated analysis of essay content using transformer
models]. Paper presented at the 16th meeting of the Methods and Evaluation Division of the DGPs, Constannce, Germany.

Fink, A., Gombert, S., & Frey, A. (2023, September). Using natural language processing to automate the assessment of student essay content. Paper presented at the Frontier Research in Educational Measurement – FREMO 2023, Oslo, Norway.


Fink, A. (2022, April). Effekte von automatisiertem Feedback auf das emotionale Erleben digital gestützter Großveranstaltungen an Hochschulen [Effects of automated feedback on the achievement emotions during digitally supported lectures in higher education]. Paper presented at the Colloquium Educational Research Methods, Hirschegg, Austria.
Fink, A., Frey, A., & König, C. (2022, April). Dealing with item calibration error in computerized adaptive testing. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME), San Diego, USA.

Fink, A., Frey, A., Liu, T., & Gombert, S. (2022, September). Nutzung von Natural Language Processing zur automatisierten Kodierung von Essays in digital gestützten Großveranstaltungen an Hochschulen [Using natural language processing for automated coding of essays in digitally-supported large-scale university lectures]. Paper presented at the at the 52nd Conference of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) Hildesheim, Germany.

Fink, A., Spoden, C., Frey, A., & Naumann, P. (2022, September). Kriteriumsorientiertes adaptives Testen mit der KAT-HS-App [Criterion-referenced adaptive testing using the KAT-HS-App]. Software demonstration at the at the 52nd Conference of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) Hildesheim, Germany.

Jivet, I. (2022, November) Generating highly informative feedback with learning analytics. Invited lecture in the course Introduction to Learning Analytics – part of a PhD program at KTH Stockholm.

Jivet, I. (2022, November) Student-facing learning analytics and goal setting. Centre for Education and Learning Science speaker series. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus.
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIM8EVESvKo

Drachsler, H. (2022, November) Highly-Informative Kompetenzorientiertes Feedback für das Digitale Lernen. Kurzimpulse zum eLearning Netzwerktag.
Available at:  https://netzwerktag.studiumdigitale.uni-frankfurt.de/

Giorgashvili, T., Jivet, I. & Weidlich, J. (2022, November) Hoch Informatives und Kompetenzorientiertes Feedback für das Digitale Lernen (HIKOF-DL) Workshop zum eLearning Netzwerktag.

Drachsler, H. (2022, December) Highly informative competence driven feedback with learning analytics. Keynote given at the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning Science Annual Meeting.
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDLKfcjbCJ0&t=7s